Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A day of Black and White

It's been a long time since I posted an entry.... It is a rainy day here in Cebu. A storm  just entered the country, I think it's in Luzon area, not sure though. The weather gave me a gloomy look on everything and colored pictures was disgusting for me today.  I really don't know what got into me that I just suddenly love to go outside and do a photo walk. A colleague of mine visited the press office where I was chillin and  I asked her if she would love to go for a photo walk with me. It's my first time actually to do this because it's really scary to go out and flash your camera on the street, I might get mugged. I also used the opportunity to test my 35mm hehe :) so here are some shots that I took. It was just a short walk  actually :/

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